Friday, February 08, 2008

Life-Changing Love (Part 1) -- 01.27.08 Bulletin Article

One of the most inspirational accounts in the New Testament involves a sinful woman who goes into a nearby town telling everyone about Jesus (John 4:28). Those townspeople follow her to meet Jesus and then become believers in Christ themselves (John 4:42). We should follow in her example on a daily basis. Why was she so successful? She changed her life. Why did she change her life? She met Jesus at a well. Jesus shows in one afternoon conversation how love is indeed life-changing. Let’s notice some important aspects of his life-changing love:

Love is obligated to act (John 4:4).
The statement in vs. 4 is true geographically, but it is also interesting to consider “conscientiously.” Could Jesus have had to pass through Samaria because the Samaritans needed to know the Messiah (Christ) was here? It is certainly possible. If truly love others around us, we should feel the inward obligation and burden to share the love of Christ with them. Peter and John told the Jewish council, “we cannot but speak of what we’ve seen and heard.”

A Mercedes-Benz executive was once asked why they chose not to patent their new safety system. In response, he said, “Some things in life are too important not to share.” Do we feel with same burden with the gospel and the love of Christ today?

Love sees potential in everyone (John 4:7, 28-30, 39-41). On a very simple level, Jesus saw potential in the woman to provide him with water. On a much more powerful level, he could see her potential as a messenger to the Samaritans. (Remember, there are at least three reasons his discussion would have been looked down upon: talking to a woman, talking to a Samaritan, and talking to an adulterer.) There were plenty of reasons that could have kept Jesus from sharing his message with her. Yet, He didn’t let first-century barriers keep Him from believing in her.

Today, God sees unimaginable potential in each of us (Rom. 5:8). We know that He gave His most (Jesus on the cross) while we were at our least (still sinners). We must see everyone with the eyes of Jesus: knowing that everyone has value in Christ.

Love views physical opportunities as spiritual opportunities (John 4:10, 13-14). Both needed physical water, but Jesus also knew she needed spiritual water. He taught her that spiritual life is more important than water—one of the most vital substances in the physical world. Valuable spiritual doors may first appear as physical opportunities (1 Cor. 16:8-9). We should be aware of our surroundings so that we can use our everyday conversations to God’s glory. Every opportunity throughout the day is an opportunity to reach people with Christ.

Hope you have a great week in His service...let’s share the life-changing love of Christ with the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the article. Did you write it?