Tuesday, October 17, 2006

300,000,000 +/-

The US Census Bureau is officially recognizing the US population as 300,000,000 (three-hundred million). Wow. Big number. We recognized 200,000,000 back in 1967; looking into the future, it looks like it will be less than 40 years when we hit 400,000,000. Here is how the bureau keeps track of the population in between the census, which they conduct every 10-years:

"The bureau has a 'population clock' that estimates a birth every seven seconds, a death every 13 seconds and a new immigrant every 31 seconds. Add it together and you get one new American every 11 seconds." (From My Way News )

Therefore, roughly every 11 seconds, a new American soul is brought into the world. If we as the church need a reminder of the large evangelistic task at hand, this is most certainly a good one. We are constantly reminded of the freedom that enables us to "worship freely without the fear of outside persecution." That same freedom also allows us to evangelize to those around us. May we feel the urgency to reach lost Americans with the gospel of Jesus Christ...all 300,000,000 of them.

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